So... I've been wanting to blog again. I've put off blogging for the past year because I didn't think I had time for it- being young married, in school, working, etc. but I'm kind of wanting a record of life, and I think this will work.
This summer we moved to a teeny tiny antique-y apartment on the "brick streets" (aka olde town) of Clinton. I love it, but it's been a crazy adventure. Some dormant fleas came to life and attacked us when we'd been there for a week, and it took a month before we prayed and God removed them. Funny how that works, right? Our landlord is a very sweet, caring older man (every day of 86!) who stubbornly does all the repairs himself as much as he can, so things are a little crooked or patched sometimes. But he does fix it, and he keeps the rent cheap. and I can live with crooked. This place feels more like home than any other place I've lived since moving out of my parent's house. It has adorable glass doorknobs and wooden floors, and somehow the cracked paint of the ceiling is comforting.
God's been teaching us a lot lately about following His plan. Moving and dealing with "flea-mageddon" as my husband called it, taught us dependence and humility. We knew God wanted us here. and He's provided awesomely. We also recently had a false alarm where we thought we were pregnant. I freaked, Tyler rejoiced, then we swapped places, then we were just happy. Then a blood test and ultrasound at the hospital told us we weren't even pregnant to start with, we just had a false positive on the home test. But God has been using this roller coaster to wake us up to the fact that we're not in control, and our little crazy couple life is not the end-all-be-all. So we're asking Him what His plan is, instead of asking Him to bless ours. Tyler's been the most amazing leader and support to me throughout all of this. Already, I've loved him more the longer we've been together. But this past week of pregnant-not-pregnant, and his incredible love and service and faith, have made me love him more than I ever thought I could. It's just so incredible the way he cares for me, and takes care of me, and is patient with me. He supports me and is strong when I'm not. and God uses him to bless and provide for me and teach me every day. I just plain don't deserve him, but I'm so thankful he's all mine. Somehow God gave me the best husband ever. I'll just thank Him.
On a totally un-related note- fall squash is in season and the weather's cold at night, and my yard is filled with pecans. and dollar tree has pumpkin spice candles. :) So even though my sinuses are trying to kill me, I'm happy. because my house smells and tastes like fall.