Hello again.
So, I still feel like a bit of a novice at this blog thing (well I should, I've only done it, like, 4 times now), but I'm determined to keep at it. I enjoy it well enough, and I think it'll be useful to have a blog. Some kind of record of the randomness floating through my head, the randomness that is my life. Sometimes I feel like my life is defined by the word "unorganized". I know my dorm room certainly is.
This past week's been pretty good overall. God blessed my boyfriend and I incredibly by giving him a wonderful job here in town. He's working as a pharmacy technician, and getting the opportunity to interact with customers, which makes him happy. I seriously think one of his spiritual gifts is the ability to sincerely connect with and care for strangers. I've seen him share prayer requests with a Wal-mart cashier before. and now, he's making a good amount of home deliveries to older customers (often shut-ins or nearly so), and is able to converse with them and be a friendly, encouraging presence in their lives. I'm so thankful. Plus, his boss is a Christian, and keeps the pharmacy closed on Sundays! I can't get over what a blessing this all is. I really was sure he would be heading back to Texas. The pattern in my life for the past few years has been, that when I have my own plan, God says "no" and changes it. Ultimately, the change is always for the better, but nonetheless it's difficult. For a time, I had no heart to dream or plan about the future. But this time, God completely blew me away by giving us this gift, and saying "yes!" and the best part is, in addition to keeping Tyler here, God's also given me extra time during the day (while he's at work) to invest in friendships, school, and personal growth. God truly is so good!
(warning: very sudden topic change) This weekend, we had the first international girls' discussion group. It went really well. They liked the soup we made (score!) and all the girls who came said they had a good time. I hope they come back. My roommate, in particular, is gaining interest in Christianity. (thank you, Jesus!) I'm really excited about this group, and where our "spiritual discussions" will lead us.
This weekend, I'm going on choir tour with my college choir- and I'm so excited, I'm gonna get to dance at it! It's absolutely ... relieving, sweet, perfect, joyful, nerve-racking, fun... (you get the idea) to be given the opportunity to dance again. I just pray God gives me and Chelsea, my dance partner, worshipful, humble hearts, strong bodies, and a space to dance. As of right now, the size/existence of a stage is questionable. But I know God'll take care of it. He always does. As Mrs. Barker used to say, "Satan can do nothing but lay a stage on which God does a greater work."
And on that note, I need to leave and go to class.
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