So, once again, a huge time lapse has occurred between my posts. Also, I am writing rather than studying (I hate studying before cram-time). I ought to be studying to pass my lifeguard recertification test on Friday, but it's difficult to describe how boring my lifeguarding book is. Having been out of school for weeks and unaccustomed to mental work doesn't help matters.
On the upside, God has blessed me with a HUGE answer to prayers- my school may allow me to live off-campus next year, while keeping my scholarship. I've been praying for this to happen for about a month. My amazing roommate (who is a new Christian, praise Jesus!) is going to be living off-campus, and we are ecstatic about getting to live together for another year or two. She has been such a blessing to me, such a source of joy, laughter, and good company. We especially have fun laughing over and discovering our cultural differences, since she's Chinese. I honestly can't think of a day I haven't laughed since she and I started rooming together. Getting her for a roommate has been totally a God thing, and now He's provided for us to stay together. As I write this, I realize He has kept me from taking His blessings for granted- He is the source of all good things in our lives. I definitely don't thank Him enough.
For anyone reading this, please pray for me to pass this lifeguard test. It's really important, since my summer job requires my recertification. Also, please pray for this summer to be productive. I know so many who are going on mission trips, and though I won't be, I do hope to work with kids downtown for a few weeks. My RUF minister challenges us each summer not to waste the time by letting our guard down or getting too relaxed and lazy. I pray that this would be the goal for me and all my friends.
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